Apr 2021
Stackable Table And Collection System (STACS) is a modular shelving system for item storage and food collection at hawker centres. It is able to be deployed easily and stowed away conveniently, depending on the hawker’s preference, more or fewer units can be used.

Project explanation

STACS’s compact modular shelving system which aims to serve hawkers and customers. It aims to alleviate the problem of limited storage space at Amoy Street Hawker Centre. It is common to see tables littered with the hawker’s belongings, especially fresh produce such as chilies or vegetables. During peak periods, large crowds are observed to crowd around the store fronts waiting to collect their food.

Defining the problem

What inspired the idea of modularity was the observation that no two hawker stores had the same volume of customer traffic, but all faced the same problem of the lack of storage. Modular plastic shelves and airplane tray tables were key sources of inspiration as they could either be disassembled or ‘flat-packed’ or kept away when not needed.
STACS’s shelving dimensions fit a standard tray size (45cm x 30cm), allowing it to serve as a collection point for customers. Owing to its modularity, more units can be deployed to better serve peak periods. This aspect is crucial to giving flexibility to the hawkers and empowering them to do more, especially moving towards a new normal, we can expect more food deliveries to occupy more space. A modular shelving system fits the job perfectly.

Developing the solution

A small 1:25 scale prototype was made from scrap pieces of cardboard to get a sense of what areas around the hawker table could be used. In the end, just the table-top surface was settled on.


Some photos and renders of the final product.